Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution: The Complete Guide to Achieving Normal Blood Sugars, 4th Edition Revised & Updated

Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution
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by Richard K. Bernstein


480 pages

Since its first publication in 1997, DR. BERNSTEIN’S DIABETES SOLUTION has become the treatment of choice in the medical field. His groundbreaking approach to diabetes care enables patients to take control of their disease and to live long and healthy lives by normalizing their blood sugar without the usual swings. Dr. Bernstein himself is living proof of the success of this method. In this revised and updated edition of his work, he provides an accessible, detailed guide to his revolutionary approach to regulating blood sugars and outlines his plan for preventing or reversing long-term complications of diabetes. He offers the most up-to-date information on new products, medications, and supplements, and explains the connection between obesity and adult-onset diabetes. Dr. Bernstein discusses breakthrough science and potential cures, and has added new methods for treating the disease, including new uses of medication and exercise approaches, as well as 40 new gourmet, low carbohydrate recipes in addition to the original 50. The only book to detail step-by-step methods for normalizing blood sugars in both Type I and Type II diabetes, Dr. Bernstein’s DIABETES SOLUTION will enable patients to take charge of their health and live longer, healthier lives. – Dr. Bernstein pioneered the tight control of blood sugar that is now accepted as the standard treatment for diabetes. An engineer by training, he entered medical school at the age of 45 to secure the credentials for publishing his discoveries.

Richard Bernstein, M.D., is recognized as one of the foremost experts on the disease. His private practice in Mamaroneck, NY, is solely devoted to diabetes and prediabetic conditions. He is a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition, the American College of Endocrinology, and the American College of Certified Wound Specialists. He serves on the faculty of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Dr. Bernstein has had diabetes for more than sixty years.

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