300 Low-Carb Slow Cooker Recipes by Dana Carpender

300 Low Carb Slow Cooker Recipes
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Healthy Low Carb Dinners That Are Ready When You Are!

by Dana Carpender


360 pages

Ah, the wonders of a slow cooker. After a long, hard day you can walk in the door and the aroma of a hot, home-cooked meal fills the air. You don’t have to do that fast tango from fridge to pantry to stove and back again. It’s nearly as good as having a personal chef!

But for the low-carb dieter, traditional slow cooker recipes can be a problem. Many of them depend on potatoes, noodles, rice, and starchy canned soups. And if you’ve tried to make up your own slow cooker recipes, you may have found the results less than compelling – too often the food can be mushy, water-logged, and bland.

Fortunately, with 300 Low-Carb Slow Cooker Recipes, you can use your slow cooker and follow your low-carb diet, too! This new, expanded version contains 100 new recipes from Dana’s healthy and delicious kitchen.

  • Tuscan Chicken
  • Kashmiri Lamb Shanks
  • Teriyaki-Tangerine Ribs
  • Chicken Minestrone
  • Orange Rosemary Pork
  • Chipotle Brisket
  • Firehouse Chili
  • Thai Chicken Bowls
  • Braised Pork with Fennel
  • Pizza Stew
  • Morty’s Mixed Meat Loaf
  • Low-Carb Slow Cooker Paella
  • and much, much more

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