Women’s Health Perfect Body Diet: The Ultimate Weight Loss and Workout Plan to Drop Stubborn Pounds and Get Fit for Life!

Women's Health Perfect Body Diet
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The Ultimate Weight Loss and Workout Plan to Drop Stubborn Pounds and Get Fit for Life!

by Cassandra Forsythe


352 pages

Carrying the trusted Women’s Health name and featured on the Today show and in Time magazine, this diet combines a customized eating program with a body-shape-specific exercise plan. Women all over the country are discovering how it transforms their bodies in record time. Keys to the plan’s success include: – customization for a woman’s hormonal balance, body shape and current weight, individual metabolism, personal goals, and lifestyle – two types of balanced-macronutrient diets— Greens and Berries (slightly lower in carbs, higher in fats) and Grains and Fruits (lower in fat, higher in carbs) — with tests to show a woman which type she needs – glucomannan, a natural, soluble fiber that when used properly makes one feel full faster, stay satisfied longer, and consequently eat less – 2 weeks of meal plans, more than 80 easy-to-prepare recipes using glucomannan, and 73 exercises Thanks to Women’s Health Perfect Body Diet, every woman has the tools to achieve her personal best and make her own body the best it can be.

CASSANDRA FORSYTHE, MS, is a doctoral candidate at the University of Connecticut, studying exercise science and nutrition. She also works as a nutritional educator and weight loss coach, assisting with exercise training and testing. She lives in Connecticut.

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