Bologna Meter: Alzheimer’s Bologna

Bologna Meter: Alzheimer’s Bologna by Tom Naughton in the July/August 2013 issue of CarbSmart Magazine.

CarbSmart Magazine Issue 5 July/August 2013

A new study made a splash in the media recently – the splash coming in the form of headlines like these:

Saturated Fat May Make the Brain Vulnerable to Alzheimer’s

How a High Fat Diet Increases Alzheimer’s Risk

Holy moly! Saturated fat causes Alzheimer’s?! I’d throw away all my sausage, except I can’t remember where I put it. Learn more about this topic by reading the full article in the July/August 2013 issue of CarbSmart Magazine available in iTunes.

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CarbSmart Magazine October 2013

Bologna Meter: Banting Bashing

When most people switch to a high-fat/low-carb diet, they dump foods like grains, sugars and tubers and get more of their calories from foods like meats, eggs, butter, cheese and cream. The switch can produce a number of positive effects (lower blood sugar, lower insulin levels, lower inflammation levels), but there is one negative side effect: a diet based on animal products makes vegans really, really mad. Especially the guy that wrote a misinformed rant about William Banting.