Belly Fat Cure Success with Amber

Belly Fat Cure Success with Amber

Amber Allen-Sauer is the author of the popular diet blog Me & Jorge. After years of struggling with her weight after the birth of her children, Jorge Cruise’s Belly Fat Cure program made a difference in her life more profound then weight loss. It completely changed how she looked at and interacted with food. Since then she couldn’t wait to spread the word of how going “low sugar” and eliminating artificial sweeteners can change your life.

Amber will be presenting her tips and suggestions for weight loss with the Belly Fat Cure and life success here at

Visit her popular blog “Me and Jorge”

Send Amber your questions and comments to [email protected]


Belly Fat Cure Brunch by Amber Allen-Sauer

Vanilla Teas on the Belly Fat Cure

Belly Fat Cure for Kids? by Amber Allen-Sauer

Are you A Diet Quitter? By Amber Allen-Sauer

Stevia Sweeteners by Amber Allen-Sauer

Review: Belly Fat Cure Sugar & Carb Counter by Amber Allen-Sauer

Low Carb Cauliflower Crust Pizza Recipe by Amber Allen-Sauer

 Review: Spry Mints & Gums on the Belly Fat Cure by Amber Allen-Sauer

Review: Think Thin Bites on the Belly Fat Cure by Amber Allen-Sauer

Taking That First Step on a Diet and an Interview with Jorge Cruise by Amber Allen-Sauer

Review: Tofu Shirataki Noodles on the Belly Fat Cure by Amber Allen-Sauer

Review: LaTortilla Factory Smart & Delicious Low Carb Tortillas on the Belly Fat Cure by Amber Allen-Sauer

When Does a Diet Become A Lifestyle? by Amber Allen-Sauer

My Name Is Amber and I’m a Carboholic by Amber Allen-Sauer

Getting Your Fiber on the Belly Fat Cure by Amber Allen-Sauer

Reading Labels on the Belly Fat Cure by Amber Allen-Sauer

Belly Fat Cure Basics by Amber Allen-Sauer

Product Review: Nature’s Hollow Preserves on the Belly Fat Cure by Amber Allen-Sauer

Product Review: Wasa Fiber Crispbread on the Belly Fat Cure by Amber Allen-Sauer

Product Review: Joseph’s Lite Cookies on the Belly Fat Cure by Amber Allen-Sauer


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Refusing Holiday Food & Staying Low-Carb

ENCORE: Refusing Holiday Food and Staying Low-Carb – CarbSmart Podcast Episode 23

CarbSmart Podcast Episode 23: Refusing Holiday Food and Staying Low-Carb can be tough at first but you can do it to avoid the Food Pushers. The holidays are straight ahead, and with them piles and piles of carby junk, and worse, people nagging you to eat the stuff. Why so many people think that saying things like "But you have to eat it! It's traditional!" and "I worked all afternoon making it just for you" constitutes an expression of holiday goodwill, I have no idea, but sadly this behavior is all too common. You need to think ahead about how to respond to this sort of thing.

One comment

  1. Artificial sweeteners are very dangerous. They can cause obesity and cancer. The only sweetener I know that is safe to use is Stevia. Even plain sugar is not safe to use and it is almost in every product. Try to avoid sugar free products in your local supermarket, you will have an empty cart at the end..
    My advice is to grow your own veggies or try to get local biological grown food. That will increase your energy level and your belly fat will melt away!