Zack Grady

Zack Grady writes from Southern California. He reads cookbooks, but mostly, he just adds garlic and hot sauce.

Getting Corn-ier

Amazingly enough, you can find mazes of maize, and walk through them, searching your way from one end to the other, with nary a kernel passing your lips.

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Have a Low-Carb Mother’s Day with Zack! Mama Mia!

Celebrating Low-Carb Mother's Day

It's May. Whether or not we frolicked around a May Pole with flowers and long ribbons, we had better start thinking about Mother's Day. Zack Grady talks about Mother's Day and the Low-Carb Lifestyle. People who know about these things say that the first celebrations in honor of mothers were held in ancient Greece.

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Great St. Patrick’s Day Options for Low-Carb Dieters. Top O’ The Morning!

Top O' the Morning to ye, boys and girls! Aren't we all Irish on and near St. Patrick's Day? Isn't it a law of our fair land? Doesn't everyone have to wear some article of green clothing, or suffer the pinching consequences? Anticipating that you have been hunting four-leaf clovers and practicing to do a proper Irish jig, I will now ask you this burning question: What's Irish and spends the summer outside the back door? It's Paddy O'Furniture, don't you know!

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Looking For Luck In All The Right Places

Happy New Year, 2002. It's a palindrome, you know, 2002. A palindrome is a word that reads the same backwards and forwards, like mom or dad or gag. The last time we had a palindromic year was 1991, and the one before that was clear back in 1881. And, there won't be another one for 110 years, not until the year 2112. These are rare years, indeed! It's a gas to be living in one.

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Leaving An Old Thanksgiving Tradition Behind: Friends Should Not Let Friends Give Fruitcakes

Since Glorious Spouse and I have become low carbers, the thing I miss most about stuffing the Thanksgiving turkey is getting rid of last year's Christmas fruitcake. Designated-drivers not withstanding, there should be bumper stickers that read "Friends Should Not Let Friends Give Fruitcakes."

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