Tracey Rollison

Tracey Jorg Rollison is a low-carb menu service planner, writer, editor, web developer, polyglot, homeschool mom and Saudi foreign student host parent who lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. She has had a life-long struggle with health, beginning with an incorrect diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis at the age of two when in actuality, Tracey suffered from extremely severe allergies and asthma. The proper diagnosis resulted in her family having to raise everything she ate, or buy it from local farmers. Everything worsened again during college and grad school when she had to eat "normal" food. When as a mom she found Weston A. Price-style traditional nutrition, it fit perfectly with the lifestyle in which she’d grown up herself so she implemented it for her own kids. She also found Dr. Atkins and the Atkins Diet around the same time, and used it to get back in shape after having two of her three kids. She watched the rise of gluten-free awareness and the primal way of eating, and realized that there is a “sweet spot” where all of them intersect. She has a dicey relationship with estrogen, but a fun one with her husband, three bio kids, and several assorted “bonus” kids.

Roasted Chicken on a Bed of Roasted Cabbage Recipe

CarbSmart Magazine January 2014 Issue

This is a delicious, traditional Saudi dish with what we think of as winter spices, and is usually a super-thick stew served over a bed of rice. Cabbage makes a tasty substitute for the rice the entire dish has only 13.3 net grams of carbs, most of which is in the cabbage, instead of over 70 grams in the original recipe.

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Low-Carb, Gluten-Free Apple Sage & Thyme Rolls Recipe

Pumpkin is Not Just for Pie for the Holidays

Most people will pair apples with cinnamon. But in the Alsace-Lorraine region between France and Germany, a common fall dish involves stuffing a bird with apples, pears, onions, and herbs. I’ve translated some of these flavors into an unusually light dinner roll that will go nicely with your Thanksgiving dinner.

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Low-Carb Picnics: 3 Fabulous Options

3 Picnics from CarbSmart

Three Low-Carb Picnics: Downton Abbey-style, Beyond Sandwiches, and Picnicking with Kids Once upon a time, “picnic” meant packing up your outdoor dining tent, the silver, the linens, a wagonload of food, another wagonload of serving staff, and enough folding wooden furniture to outfit a small hotel.

Very few do Downton Abbey-style …

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