Sagdrina Jalal

Sagdrina Jalal is a Holistic Health and Fitness Consultant. Through her website,, she consults with clients across the country. With a degree in Education from the University of Georgia, She sees herself as both a lifelong teacher and student. She writes for several online publications including a blog and a Facebook page that celebrates the beauty and accomplishments of those over 40. Sagdrina is a runner; recently completing the Miami ING marathon as a birthday present to herself. She also balances a commitment to Crossfit with a regular yoga practice. Her husband is a former Army ranger and a current Ironman. Her three children are accomplished athletes who keep her busy. In addition to supporting her family’s active lifestyle; Sagdrina has found that good nutrition is key to managing her auto immune challenges and her sons’ asthma. When not obsessing over health and fitness, Sagdrina loves traveling. Enjoying most the moments she gets to live the life a total beach bum.

Return To Routine in Your Low Carb Lifestyle

CarbSmart Magazine September 2013

Lack of routine can be a major barrier to wellness. Daily living provides a lot of distractions; it is difficult to function optimally without a well-scripted plan. Think about the healthy and fit people you know. Do they have a fairly set schedule for their workouts? Are their meals and periods of rest considered in advance?

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6 Reasons to Attend the Ancestral Health Symposium in 2014

CarbSmart Magazine September 2013

6 Reasons to Attend the Ancestral Health Symposium in 2014: I've been a CrossFit athlete for close to two years and I consider myself an evolutionary eater for the purposes of health and performance. To say I was very excited to attend this conference is an understatement. I had never heard of AHS before the publishers of CarbSmart asked me to attend, but one look at the website and I was sold.

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5 Lessons from a Beginner Runner

CarbSmart Magazine Issue 5 July 2013

Summertime screams a few musts in a healthy person’s life: must feast on fresh berries, must soak up some sun, and must get outside to exercise in the fresh air. Summer provides a nice break from the gym; giving us space to breathe, sweat, and simply play in the dirt.  Runners, in particular, look forward to the long days of summer. No better time to get in a scenic ‘five miler’.

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More Than Skin Deep: Welcome the self-confidence that comes with feeling great in your own skin

CarbSmart Magazine June 2013

More Than Skin Deep by Sagdrina Jalal in the June 2013 issue of CarbSmart Magazine. Welcome the self-confidence that comes with feeling great in your own skin.

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