Sagdrina Jalal

Sagdrina Jalal is a Holistic Health and Fitness Consultant. Through her website,, she consults with clients across the country. With a degree in Education from the University of Georgia, She sees herself as both a lifelong teacher and student. She writes for several online publications including a blog and a Facebook page that celebrates the beauty and accomplishments of those over 40. Sagdrina is a runner; recently completing the Miami ING marathon as a birthday present to herself. She also balances a commitment to Crossfit with a regular yoga practice. Her husband is a former Army ranger and a current Ironman. Her three children are accomplished athletes who keep her busy. In addition to supporting her family’s active lifestyle; Sagdrina has found that good nutrition is key to managing her auto immune challenges and her sons’ asthma. When not obsessing over health and fitness, Sagdrina loves traveling. Enjoying most the moments she gets to live the life a total beach bum.

Natural Breast Care: Putting Your Health in Your Hands

When it comes to breast health, a lot of emphasis is put on cancer treatment. Words like "survivor" and "early detection" are common this time of year. What is discussed less frequently is prevention. The World Cancer Research Fund estimates that 38% of breast cancer in the United States could be prevented with diet, physical exercise, and weight management.

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Pilate Your Body

CarbSmart Magazine February 2014 Issue

Whatever your goals, Pilates may be just the workout to attain them. Regardless of your level of fitness, Pilates offers immediate results. Whether you want long, lean muscles, need to alleviate back or neck pain, or just want more energy to do the things you love, Pilates is for you.

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Could the TRX Suspension Trainer be your Fitness Solution?

CarbSmart Magazine December 2013

Many people are overwhelmed by crowded, unappealing gyms. Sagdrina offers us an alternative approach to fitness worthy of our consideration. The TRX Suspension Trainer system is an innovative approach to incorporating challenging, body weight exercises in the privacy of your own home.

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Three Steps to a Lifetime of Healthy Hair

CarbSmart Magazine November 2013 Issue

In our society we accept hair changes as a part of the aging process. Yet that doesn’t stop us from experiencing the horror that comes with the discovery of too many strands in their brush or large clumps of hair collected in the drain. Sagdrina Jalal offers us three activities to improve the health look of our hair during the winter months.

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Yoga Misconceptions in a Modern World

CarbSmart Magazine October 2013

When someone mentions yoga what comes to mind? Long, lean bodies chanting in the direction of the sun while bent in positions otherwise only mastered by acrobats in Cirque du Soleil? I began a regular yoga practice in February of this year. What I’ve learned is that yoga is built on three main structures: breathing, exercise and meditation. The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’ which means to join or unite. So join me as I examine three common misconceptions about this sacred tradition.

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Natural Fall Beauty DIY

CarbSmart Magazine October 2013

Flip flops and sundresses feel like distant memories at this point. As we lament over the long lost lazy days of summer, we yearn for the natural beauty that seemed to come along for the ride. Although it tempting, is it necessary to head to the department store to reclaim that sun kissed glow? Sagdrina Jalal shows us that beauty vitality can be achieved during this season without even leaving the comfort of your home!

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