Julie Westly

A Wonderful Support System: Mary from Alabama’s Low Carb Success Story

Happy Low-Carb Friends

Mary from Alabama is 30 years old. She has been following the Atkins diet since February 29, 2000, and has lost 56 pounds, even though she takes the Depo Provera shot, which is known to cause problems with weight gain in some women. She told me she started having a problem with her weight at the age of 12, a time when many young girls will start to struggle with extra pounds. She has a wonderful support system.

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Winning a Constant Struggle with Her Weight: Elaine’s Low Carb Success Story

Low-Carb Diet Success Stories

Elaine is from London. She is 43 years old, and has been on the Atkins Diet since 3/5/2000. Elaine began putting on weight following a serious illness when she 11. From then on, she has had a constant struggle with her weight.

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In My Fifties and It’s Low-Carb! Suzy’s Low Carb Success Story

Suzy, 51, is from Texas. She has had a weight problem her whole life. She also has Type II diabetes. Suzy has a picture of herself with her first grade class. "I was the fattest child in the group," she sighed. She also has a picture of herself at four, "a little fat girl," Suzy comments.

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Low-Carb Diet Success Stories – over 135 inspirational low carb success stories at CarbSmart Magazine

CarbSmart introduces you to over 125 low carb success stories!! Many people are being successful at living the low carb lifestyle. Whether they want to lose 10, 25, 50, or 100+ pounds, you can read about them here in CarbSmart Low Carb Success Stories!

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Years of Trying Everything Before Low-Carb: Pam’s Low Carb Success Story

Low-Carb Diet Success Stories

Pam from Florida is 45. She had her first child at 17, and has struggled with her weight since she was about 20 years old. Pam has been following the Atkins Plan for a year and a half now, and has lost 62 pounds since she began low carbing in October of 1999!

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Trevor’s Low Carb Success Story from England & Radiant Health

Trevor Laplain from South Woodford, London, England is 45. He is married and two sons. Trevor works as a catering manager and food safety consultant at Queen Mary, University of London. He has been overweight all of his life and beat it with the Low-Carb lifestyle.

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Tinakaye’s Low Carb Success Story

Tinakaye from Ohio is 36 years old and the mother of four. She has been following the Atkins diet on and off for ten years, but used it only as a "diet" and not lifetime a way of eating. "I started again two years ago," she said, "with the first year being off and on. Then, a year ago, the light bulb went off in my head. I finally understood that this must be a lifetime way of eating and not just a diet for me. I know that Dr. Atkins repeats many times throughout his book that this is to be a way of eating, but I thought I was "different" and it didn't apply to me...... Wrong!"

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An Early Low-Carb Success Story: The Bickfords

It is always a joy to meet new low carbers, and even more so when you meet couples who are not only partners in marriage but in low carbing, too. The Bickfords are from Maine, and have been married 19 years. Lori is 37 years old; her husband Ralph is 40. They have two children, Tori, 17, and Feather, 15. Lisa is a full-time MRI technologist. She also teaches and sells Creative Memories scrap booking supplies and gives classes.

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