Vanessa Romero

Vanessa Romero, owner of Healthy Living How To, is a healthy living enthusiast with a background in personal training, metabolic testing and weight loss coaching. Her passion is to help others achieve optimal health through a wellness approach that encompasses living healthy in mind, body and spirit.

Is Sitting Destroying Your Health?

CarbSmart Magazine October 2013

The population as a whole spends the majority of their waking hours sitting – to the tune of 10 or more hours a day, whether it be in a meeting or in front a computer screen. While the television has been blamed for our sedentary lifestyle, when it comes down to it, leisure time is in short supply but we still need to get up and move!

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Delicata Squash – A Treat for Fall and Winter Meals

Delicata Squash – A Treat for Fall and Winter Meals

Delicata squash. Have you seen these beauties at your local farmers market or food co-op? In my younger years, I remember trying acorn squash smothered in brown sugar and butter and not liking it. That distaste stayed with me into my adulthood; I assumed squash was squash and that it all tasted the same. Then about five years ago, after admiring how beautiful and colorful the winter squash varieties were, I decided to give squash another try. I did some reading on the different varieties of squash and picked up some delicata. If you haven’t given this winter squash variety a try, what are you waiting for?

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A Guide to Jicama for the Low Carb Dieter

CarbSmart Magazine September 2013

A Guide to Jicama for the Low Carb Dieter: Jicama, pronounced "hee-ka-ma," is a root vegetable native to Mexico. It is a member of the morning glory family and is related to the sweet potato, but more closely resembles water chestnuts in color, texture, and flavor. With 5g net carbs per cup of raw jicama, it makes a relatively lower carb alternative.

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