Low Carb Thanksgiving Dinner can be a blessing or a curse. I still think that if you are going to have an Indulgence, you should indeed do so very infrequently, and that it is imperative to plan for it. It's the question of whether it's actually a good idea to accept this and build it into one's dietary life that I now question. Dana Carpender shares more Low Carb Thanksgiving tips and recipes for getting through the Thanksgiving holiday.
Read More »Seriously Simple Keto Low-Carb Chicken Chili Recipe by Dana Carpender
This easy family-pleasing recipe is perfect for chilly autumn days, and will give you 16 mgs of niacin - 78% of your daily requirement! Add a salad with avocado in it to complete the Southwestern theme, and add even more niacin.
Read More »Low-Carb Cauli-Bouleh (Low-Carb Tabbouleh Substitute) Recipe
This started with a recipe for tabbouleh I saw posted online. Pretty much the only change I made was to swap the cauliflower for the bulgur. The results were fantastic! Very easy to double this for a crowd.
Read More »Fat Fast Swiss “Rice” Casserole Low-Carb Gluten-Free Bonus Recipe
This free Fat Fast recipe is a great side dish in general; the family will love it. It just happens to fit Fat Fast percentages, so long as you stick to a small portion, and melt a teaspoon of butter over your serving.
Read More »Low-Carb Easy & Elegant Roast Beef & Asparagus Salad
Don't forget salads on your Low-Carb diet. Here's a salad that turns deli roast beef into a company dinner.
Read More »Low-Carb Green Eggs & Ham Easter Recipe by Dana Carpender – Includes Video
Low-Carb Green Eggs & Ham Recipe by Dana Carpender is great for breakfast or a simple supper. Warms up beautifully in the microwave, too. The combination of eggs, ham, mushrooms, and spinach is an easy Easter recipe. OK, so you're not actually getting green eggs - you are getting ham, mushrooms, and spinach with your eggs so of course, your spinach is what's green. You probably thought we were going to dye the eggs! No need to.
Read More »Low-Carb Smoked Salmon & Asparagus Frittata Recipe by Dana Carpender – Includes Video
Most Low-Carb Easter breakfasts have a combination of eggs, ham and cheese but what if you’re tired of ham? Or what if you just don’t have any in the house? Smoked Salmon is an amazing option for Easter and you can find a 4 oz package in any grocery store. You can serve this wonderful Low-Carb Smoked Salmon and Asparagus Frittata to your family or guests for Easter or any time of the year. This Low-Carb recipe is unbelievably easy to make, full of healthy fat and protein, and it’s delicious! And you can prepare it in just 30 minutes.
Read More »Low-Carb Ham, Cheddar, and Broccoli Quiche Recipe by Dana Carpender – Includes Video
Low-Carb Ham, Cheddar, and Broccoli Quiche is a favorite Low-Carb recipe for Easter or a special Sunday morning. It uses Dana’s Low-Carb Quiche Crust Recipe as the crust. Low-Carb, Gluten-Free, Grain-Free for breakfast, lunch or even dinner.
Read More »Low-Carb Quiche Crust Recipe by Dana Carpender – Includes Video
How could you possibly miss the usual crust made with flavorless white flour? If you're looking to make a perfect Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Low-Carb quiche crust, look no further! This Almond Flour Crust will go great with any quiche you make, especially Dana Carpender's Low-Carb Ham, Cheddar, and Broccoli Quiche Recipe.
Read More »Is Newsweek Dumb Or Disingenuous About the Ketogenic Diet?
How many ways can one article get things wrong?! Newsweek’s overwhelmingly wrong-headed article "Can You Lose Weight on a Ketogenic Diet?" by Joseph Frankel is clearly going for a record.
Read More »Fat Fast Caesar Salad w/Olives & Pine Nuts Recipe from Fat Fast Cookbook 2
I stole this Caesar Salad with Olives and Pine Nuts idea from Truffles, a terrific restaurant here in Bloomington. Do use good quality olives—I used half green, half black, packed in olive oil, from our superb local gourmet grocery Sahara Mart. A great Fat Fast salad.
Read More »Fat Fast Caesar Dressing Keto Recipe from Fat Fast Cookbook 2
Bottled Caesar dressing is so often harsh, but this is rich and mellow. In the Fat Fast Caesar Dressing Recipe from Fat Fast Cookbook 2, I used two anchovies because I only like a hint of them, but my husband, an anchovy fiend, said he’d love it with another anchovy or two.
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