Dana Carpender

Dana Carpender, 46-year nutrition buff, 29-year low-carber, opinionated writer, congenital smarty pants, and low-carb recipe guru. Lives in Southern Indiana with Otis the Pug, Squeaky the Cat, and as always, That Nice Boy She Married.

Vine-Ripened Tomatoes on Low Carb? by Dana Carpender

Still, there's one truly wonderful thing about late summer here in the Midwest: Local vine-ripened tomatoes. This time of year folks sell them out of pickup trucks all over town. I often buy them from a lovely old man who stakes his claim in the parking lot of the local Kmart. Heck, my neighbors simply gave me a sackful the other day, bless them.

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Going On a Picnic with Dana Carpender

Going on a picnic is one of the great joys of summer. Few things are more pleasant than spreading a blanket under a tree and lazing away an afternoon, noshing on simple but tasty foods. A picnic is a great way to entertain friends, too - because you won't be stuck running back and forth to the kitchen while everyone else is enjoying themselves!

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Dana Carpender’s Response to Eco-Atkins Diet: Dr. Atkins is Rolling In His Grave

Heck, he's on a freakin' rotisserie! Will the slanders and misuses of my hero's name ever stop? First it was all those people claiming to be "doing Atkins" when they hadn't read word one of the book and were just making it up as they went along. At the same time we had all the "journalists" who criticized the diet without bothering to read it either. (You could tell because they'd always claim that "The Atkins diet only allows 20 grams of carbohydrate a day!" as if Induction were the whole diet. Either that, or they'd call it a "no-carb" diet, or an "all-meat" diet.)

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Ten Hazards of a Low Carbs (sic) Diet by Dana Carpender

Sometimes the articles just write themselves. I was futzing around on line when I found this webpage: A Low Carbs (sic) Diet is Hazardous to Your Health For Ten Reasons. It was so off the mark, I had to write a response. Then, as I finished it, I realized I'd just written my article for this week!

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You Can Have Anything You Want… by Dana Carpender

Your life, I mean. No, I'm not talking theologically; let's not get into issues of divine creation and salvation and such; we're here to talk diet and health. I'm talking about the indisputable truth that 90% of the time, our lives, good or bad, are largely the result of the choices we make. Yes, your genetics play a role. Yes, your upbringing influences you. Yes, the tides of history can intervene, and wash away all trace of the life you carefully created for yourself - ask anyone in a war torn land. Still, and always, our choices, our actions, are the single most powerful influence we have on creating our lives, for good or ill.

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Ask Dana Carpender – Fear of

Reading your email over several times, the thing that jumps out at me is fear. You're afraid - afraid of food, afraid of getting out of control. And your way of containing that fear is to wall yourself off with your safe and familiar foods, to stay home, to stick to a single routine. It's become a ritual of protection.

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