Dana Carpender's CarbSmart Espresso Chocolate Chip Brownies
Read More »Cinnamon Spice Pork Rind Cake Recipe by Dana Carpender
If you look back through the Ask Dana archives, you'll see I have written, in the past, about pork rinds, the fact that they are not, as some assume, egregious junk food, but actually the most nutritious thing in the snack aisle. In that article, I mentioned that once, years ago, an outraged online detractor of low carb diets threw in my cyberface the accusation that I ate pork rind cake. That accusation is now true.
Read More »2011 Low-Carb Meet and Greet at Dana Carpender’s House
So what did you do last Saturday? I had several dozen low carbers in my backyard! The Second Annual Low Carb Meet & Greet was a smashing success, or at least I thought it was.
Read More »Can Fructose Cause Cancer? by Dana Carpender
Chances are you've seen the news already: Fructose can cause cancer. Specifically, this study looked at pancreatic cancer, a particularly deadly and intractable form of cancer, and one that has been increasing in frequency. I was unable to find the full text of this article, but gleaned that it demonstrated that cancer cells are particularly able to use fructose to reproduce, fueling tumor growth.
Read More »Low Carb & Gluten Free Pancakes for Henry and Halli by Dana Carpender
My nephew Henry and niece Halliday came to stay with That Nice Boy I Married and I this past week. We had a super-great time with them, as we always do - went to the county fair, did a little geocaching, watched a few movies, and just generally hung out.
Read More »Righteous About a Diabetes Diet? Damn Right! by Dana Carpender
The low carb world has been abuzz with the news that Diabetes Health Magazine recently published an article, Type 2 Diabetes: From Old Dogmas to New Realities - Part 2 by a registered dietician and diabetes educator named Hope Warshaw. Ms Warshaw wrote this article, she says, to debunk two what she calls "common old dogmas" regarding diabetes management.
Read More »Low Carb Cheddar Cheese Biscuits Recipe with CarbQuik
This is the CarbQuik Low-Carb cheese biscuit recipe as published by the manufacturer, Tova Industries. Low Carb Cheddar Cheese Biscuits Recipe with CarbQuik
Read More »What Motivates Organizations to Say Sugar is OK & Fat is Bad?
First of all, there are no monolithic Powers That Be. There are a whole lot of different Powers That Be, and they all make up their minds separately, in their own time, and they all have their own motives. There are, for instance, medical schools, a whole lot of medical schools, and a great deal of the funding for those medical schools comes from the pharmaceutical industry, as does a lot of the money for medical research. That's a clear danger, but the alternative, at least as far as I can tell, is to fund medical schools and medical research with tax money. For good or ill, a large faction of Americans is very much against that.
Read More »Dana Carpender’s Peanut Butter-Coconut-Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe
Dana Carpender's Peanut Butter-Coconut-Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe
Read More »Can a Low Carb Diet Reduce Tooth Decay? by Dana Carpender
For years and years, mainstream health authorities have been denying that sugar is detrimental to health. The only proven ill-effect of sugar, they insist, is that it rots your teeth.
Read More »Will a Low-Carb Diet Damage My Kidneys? Ketogenic Diet and Diabetic Nephropathy
Anyone who has low carbed for any length of time has heard the litany of dire health predictions: "You'll get heart disease!" "It will weaken your bones!" "You won't have any energy!" Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
Read More »2011 Low Carb Cruise Highlights by by Dana Carpender
Our panel of speakers this year started with Tom Naughton, a comedian. A comedian? You bet. Tom is both seriously funny and seriously smart, and his documentary Fathead is now the number one documentary at Hulu. Tom's presentation was called Science for Smart People, and was aimed at helping everyone understand the scientific double talk that too often lets biased researchers bamboozle people.
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