Dana Carpender's Low-Carb, Gluten-Free, Paleo (optional), Vegetarian, Peach Cobbler recipe from CarbSmart Grain-Free, Sugar-Free Living Cookbook. Feel free to make this with blueberries or blackberries, instead. Try serving this warm with a scoop of CarbSmart vanilla ice cream on top!
Read More »Dana Carpender’s Low Carb Memorial Day Suggestions and No-Sugar Ketchup Recipe
Boy, you gotta love Memorial Day Weekend! Not only is it the official beginning of summer, not only will Miss Manners grant you permission to wear white shoes after this weekend, not only do most of us have a long weekend off - but it's a holiday that isn't centered around junk food. YIPPEE!!
Read More »Low Carb Summer Libations by Dana Carpender
Summer party beverages are different than winter party beverages. Eggnog and other heavy, creamy drinks seem cloying now. And when you're playing in the sun, it's best to have a drink of modest potency, with a high water content. In other words, you want your beverages to refresh as well as relax.
Read More »It’s Low-Carb Barbecue Time by Dana Carpender
Everyone loves barbecue! And at first glance, a rack of ribs or some barbecued chicken seems ideal for us low carb types. But there's a problem with virtually all commercial barbecue: the sauce. It's sugary. Often you'll get as much as 12 grams of sugar in a two-tablespoon serving - and who stops at two tablespoons? So it behooves us to learn how to turn out fabulous barbecue at home. I've always been a good cook, but until I learned the difference between grilling and barbecuing, I would try to grill ribs, and cremated them. Then I learned how to slow-smoke food. Now my ribs, chicken, even turkey, turn out succulent, smoky, and delicious every time.
Read More »Killer Low-Carb Smoked Turkey Legs Recipe by Dana Carpender
Here's a Dana Carpender Low-Carb Smoked Turkey Legs recipe with so much flavor, it needs no finishing sauce!
Read More »Coconut Sour Cream Low-Carb Recipe from Fat Fast Cookbook
This recipe is included in our Fat Fast Cookbook by Dana Carpender, Amy Dungan, and Rebecca Latham. Some of you are avoiding dairy. Fortunately, it is possible to make a very nice coconut sour cream topping.
Read More »Sabotage Free Low Carb Valentine’s Day Heart Healthy Recipes
Dana offers up heart healthy recipes that are delicious, nutritious, satisfying, and use fats that won’t cause inflammation or subject your endothelium–the all-important lining of your arteries–to destructive glucose levels.
Read More »Low-Carb Flax Pancakes Recipe
Low-Carb Flax Pancakes Recipe by Dana Carpender. You know what these taste like? Pancakes, that’s what. Way better for you, though, and far, far more filling. AND there's a Gluten-Free option too.
Read More »Chicken Salad Basilico Recipe
I invented this recipe when my Organic Gardening God neighbor Keith brought me a huge bunch of fresh basil from his garden. Amazing!
Read More »How to Buy Exercise Equipment on a Budget
Having trouble deciding what exercise equipment to purchase? Dana Carpender shows us how to evaluate our work out needs and buy those coveted pieces of exercise equipment at bargain basement prices.
Read More »Dana Carpender’s Low-Carb Mayo for Dummies
I like to make my own mayonnaise. This is a lot easier than it sounds; I can do it during a commercial break. Way quicker and easier than running to the store.
Read More »Dana Carpender’s Basic Vinaigrette Low-Carb Salad Dressing Recipe
My Low-Carb Basic Vinaigrette Salad Dressing is a snap. This is good not only for salads, but for marinating thawed frozen vegetables, or a steak or chicken breast. I can't recommend bottled salad dressing. I'm leery of the cheap, omega-6-rich oils in them.
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