Christy DeBoer, R.N.

Insulin Resistance – Causes and the Benefits of Eating a Low-Carb Diet

High Carb Foods and Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance is a common medical condition and is extremely prominent in the overweight population. When someone is insulin resistant, their body no longer makes full use of the insulin produced by their pancreas. Insulin resistance is the reason why when some of us try to diet by reducing our calories but continuing to eat carbohydrates, we feel horrible and either don't lose weight or sometimes even gain weight. If you are insulin resistant, consumption of high levels of carbohydrates will cause your blood sugars to rise and will stimulate your pancreas to produce more insulin.

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High Blood Pressure and the Low Carbohydrate Diet

Ketogenic Diets Effectively Lower Blood Pressure by Dana Carpender

There are many things that happen to your body to cause your blood pressure to increase. I have been asking this question of physicians that I know, and the consensus is that they feel that obesity is a much greater risk factor than any diet. They would prefer that their patients lost the weight on a low carbohydrate diet and just monitored their blood pressure to make sure that it did not get dangerously high. There was also a general consensus that they actually saw their patients' blood pressures decrease when they followed a low carbohydrate regime.

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Is the Low Carb Diet Safe For My Kidneys?

Visit Your Doctor Before You Start A Low-Carb Diet

The medical community is finding is that low carbohydrate eating is not causing any harm to people with normally healthy kidney function. It is important when beginning any diet to have a physical to determine your overall health. When you start a low-carb diet, drink plenty of water & add the recommended vitamins and supplements to help your success.

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