Amy Dungan

Amy Dungan is a low carber, writer and photographer residing in Illinois with her husband and two children. Having written for a variety of internet publications, she currently writes for and runs the popular Healthy Low-Carb Living website. In her free time she enjoys embarrassing her kids in public, spending time with her husband, and contemplating the true meaning of bacon. You can email Amy at [email protected] or follow Amy at Twitter and Google+.

Do you only get one good chance at weight loss on a low-carb diet?

If you've done very much Internet research at all regarding the low-carb lifestyle, you've probably come across a few people talking about The Golden Shot theory. The thinking behind this theory is that you really only get one good shot at weight loss on a low-carb diet. If you regain your lost weight, you may find yourself battling less effective weight loss efforts on your second go-round.

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Review: Big Train Buttermilk Pancake & Waffle Mix by Amy Dungan

Trying to find a decent low-carb pancake mix is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. It's a tough search. To be honest, I've held out little hope for these mixes. Many of them are loaded with so much soy that I can't get past the taste. I've also noticed they seem to have a rubbery texture. Neither is cause for celebration.

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Review: The 6 Week Cure for the Middle Aged Middle by Amy Dungan

As we approach those middle years, we realize things are changing. Some are no big deal. Most people can handle a little grey here and there. And those little noises your body makes when you get out of bed each morning – nothing a little stretching can’t take care of, right? But what about that unexplained bulge starting to form around your midsection? Despite healthy eating and regular exercise, you may find you still have an unwanted spare tire. Doctors Mike and Mary Dan Eades have the solution for you.

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Review: Maine Cottage Foods Dark Chocolate Almond Bark by Amy Dungan

I'm a chocolate fanatic, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I'm pretty sure you could dip just about anything in chocolate and make it edible. Since starting my low-carb lifestyle in 2001 I've tried several brands of sugar-free chocolates. While most of them taste good, those containing sugar alcohols usually start a storm raging in your gut that would make a tornado jealous.

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Plan To Succeed on Your Keto Lifestyle by Amy Dungan

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail". - Benjamin Franklin Here we are at the beginning of a new year once again. Hordes of people are evaluating their lives and resolving to make changes. For many this will include health related resolutions. Some will try to stop smoking. Some will try to drink less. Others will resolve to remove unwanted stress from their lives. There will be those that promise to actually use that treadmill or elliptical that currently has about 6 shirts, two pairs of jeans and a carelessly flung sock or two hanging from it.

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Lesson #56: Simple Sound Salmon Fillets

Low Carb Cooking 101 Tonight’s simple menu features very simple salmon fillets, one of my husband’s favorites. (He likes fish more than he does beef.) And even though salmon season isn’t quite here, salmon still tastes good, especially when it’s grilled or broiled. When salmon season does roll around in …

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Low-Carb Lesson #36: Judy’s Low Carb Crab-Stuffed Zucchini

Low Carb Cooking 101 If you have kids, you know that it’s difficult to get them to convert to a lower carbohydrate style of eating. After a while they greet every new culinary concoction with a fish-eyed glare and mutter, “Is that low carb?” If it is, they immediately inform …

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