Amy Dungan

Amy Dungan is a low carber, writer and photographer residing in Illinois with her husband and two children. Having written for a variety of internet publications, she currently writes for and runs the popular Healthy Low-Carb Living website. In her free time she enjoys embarrassing her kids in public, spending time with her husband, and contemplating the true meaning of bacon. You can email Amy at [email protected] or follow Amy at Twitter and Google+.

Book Review: If Naturopaths Are Quacks… Then I Guess I’m A Duck

CarbSmart Magazine September 2013

The title of this book gave me a good chuckle. Why wouldn't anyone believe in a nutrition-based, natural approach to health and healing? It seems we are fixated on the idea that health must come in the form of a pill or some other expensive method, often less effective than simpler approaches.

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Low Carb Success Story Anne Luther

CarbSmart Magazine Issue 5 July 2013

A retired RN in clinical ophthalmology, Anne Luther resides in Little Rock, Arkansas. Weight gain and mounting health problems drove her to looking for answers. She discovered the low-carb/paleo/gluten-free lifestyle and has never looked back.

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One Good Turnip Deserves Another

CarbSmart Magazine Issue 5 July 2013

Finding turnips on a restaurant menu is a rare event, but smart chefs are rediscovering this versatile vegetable. Turnips can be baked, stir-fried, mashed, deep fried, stewed, hash browned, au gratined, pickled, roasted, grilled, or used in soups, and the leafy tops prepped like mustard greens. Inexpensive, under-appreciated and often overlooked, this cousin of mustard is fairly easy to grow, and can be found in farmers markets throughout much of the growing season.

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Review: The Farmer’s Kitchen: The Ultimate Guide to Enjoying Your CSA and Farmers Market Foods

CarbSmart Magazine June 2013

Worth It: The Farmer's Kitchen: The Ultimate Guide to Enjoying Your CSA and Farmers Market Foods by Julia Shanks and Brett Ghohsgal, reviewed by Amy Dungan in the June 2013 issue of CarbSmart Magazine. So you've got 2 zucchinis, 3 heads of lettuce, a basket of cherry tomatoes, a dozen eggs, and some local grass-fed cheese. Now what? Introducing the book that knows.

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Low Carb Success Story Sandi Russell

Sandi Russell lost 80 lbs

I'm happy to introduce Sandi Russell, our latest success story. A 37 year old stay-at-home mom of two boys, Sandi was a tall, healthy youth, standing 5' 9” and wearing a size 7. She was one of those people that could eat just about anything she wanted without visible consequences. As the story goes, one day things changed.

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Movie Review: Forks Over Knives

Forks Over Knives

You may be asking yourself why a low-carber such as myself is reviewing an obvious vegetarian-biased movie. The answer - because I was asked to, and I was curious. It's true, I love my bacon. But I'm always interested in what others have to share in regards to health and diet. I was sure I could learn something from this film.

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Fat Head, Director’s Cut by Tom Naughton Documentary Review

Fat Head, Director's Cut DVD

Comedian Tom Naughton started out with the intention to film a rebuttal to Morgan Spurlock's documentary Super Size Me but what he ended up with was so much more. After he started looking into the nutritional science behind our national dietary recommendations, Tom realized something was very wrong - the science and the recommendations didn't align. Fat Head quickly morphed into a funny and educational combination that teaches you to look critically at the science, understand how the body/food connection actually works, and to think for yourself with this snazzy little thing called a functioning brain. He reminds us that we aren't stupid, despite what certain organizations would like us to believe, and we can make smart decisions all by our little ole' selves.

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