Amy Dungan

Amy Dungan is a low carber, writer and photographer residing in Illinois with her husband and two children. Having written for a variety of internet publications, she currently writes for and runs the popular Healthy Low-Carb Living website. In her free time she enjoys embarrassing her kids in public, spending time with her husband, and contemplating the true meaning of bacon. You can email Amy at [email protected] or follow Amy at Twitter and Google+.

Low Carb Success Story Misty Humphrey

Low Carb Success Story Misty Humphrey

While Misty was a little overweight as a child, maybe 15 or 20 pounds, her biggest challenge as a youngster was her battle with Attention Deficit Disorder, slight tics, and compulsive behavior tendencies. Looking back, she now realizes her life could have been much different had her doctors and parents had understood the importance of nutrition in relation to these issues.

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The Gift Of Low Carb Food

CarbSmart Magazine December 2013

Sometimes a gift of food hits the spot with your special someone. Maybe they are a true-blue foodie. Or maybe they struggle to find that perfect take-along snack. Or maybe it's just as simple as them loving a specific vittle so much, that a gift of it would be just the thing this holiday season. Whatever the reason, we all love food and giving someone such a gift can certainly score points on the brownie-scale. (Sugar-free of course!)

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Book Review: The Smarter Science of Slim by Jonathan Bailor

The Smarter Science of Slim

I had the privilege of meeting Jonathan Bailor and his lovely wife Angela on the 2013 Low Carb Cruise. I was impressed by Jonathan's passion for helping others and his talk was informative and entertaining. By the end of the cruise I knew I had to read his book The Smarter Science of Slim. I can honestly say this book didn't disappoint.

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