Review: Spry Mints & Gums on the Belly Fat Cure by Amber Allen-Sauer

Spry gum and mints are recommended on the Belly Fat Cure because they are made with Xylitol. Along with being a Sugar Alcohol, Xylitol claims to be great for your teeth. Spry even has a toothpaste product!

Not being able to pick up a quick package of gum at the checkout register in any store has turned into a little bit of a problem with me on the BFC! You know how it is: You’re are standing there, trapped, while the person in front of you counts out their money in pennies and keeps starting over again. You’re hungry, cranky and made it through the store without buying anything bad. And you’re stuck looking at the chocolate bars for 10 minutes!

So I picked up the big tub of Spry gum the first time I saw it and keep it in my purse. This really helped with cravings and late in the evenings when I had S/C Servings left. The gum has 0 grams sugar.

My only problem with Spry gum is that is loses its flavor very fast and I want to pop another one in right away. Four or more later, I’ll have used up a Carb Serving. Too, Spry appears to be the most readily available of the Xylitol sweetened gums, but I need the corner grocery to carry it soon!

Editor’s Note: Be aware that xylitol is profoundly toxic to dogs. If you have dogs, be sure to keep your Spry gum and mints out of their reach.

Amber is the author of Me & Jorge, where she writes about her experience on Jorge Cruise’s Belly Fat Cure. The Belly Fat Cure is a low sugar, moderately low carb diet plan that excludes all artificial sweeteners.

© 2010 by Amber Allen-Sauer. Used by kind permission of the author. What do you think? Please send Amber your comments or questions to Amber.

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