Taking That First Step on a Diet and an Interview with Jorge Cruise by Amber Allen-Sauer

Taking That First Step on a Diet and an Interview with Jorge Cruise

First Steps on the Belly Fast Cure

Six months ago I felt completely helpless and hopeless with my weight, I wanted to lose weight but I felt overwhelmed with the enormity of it all. And honestly, scared of the changes I might have to make to accomplish it. I had lost faith in myself. But I am happy to say, that by applying a few rules to the food I eat and sticking with them I completely changed my body and rediscovered myself.

I wanted to spend a little time talking about simply starting a diet because really that is the hardest thing to do. For some reason seeing those numbers on the scale isn’t motivation enough, your head has to be in exactly the right place to take those first steps and, as Nike says, just do it! So I would like to help you “get your head in the right place” and at the same time, keep my head there!

Interview with Jorge Cruise

To start with I asked Jorge Cruise, author of the Belly Fat Cure, to give us some advice. Particularly for people who have more weight to lose and are feeling overwhelmed by even the thought of it.

What Amber eats on Jorge Cruise’s Belly Fat Cure

It doesn’t matter what diet you do, really. Just pick a plan, a plan to get you started moving in the right direction.  It just so happens that the Belly Fat Cure really clicked for me and that made it easy to do (most days). Believe in yourself and your ability to tackle and overcome your food issues, because you have the power within you to do this.

Amber is the author of the blog Me & Jorge which chronicles her weight loss journey on Jorge Cruise’s Low Sugar/Low Carb plan.

© Amber Allen-Sauer. Used by kind permission of the author. What do you think? Please send Amber your comments or questions to Amber.

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