Why You Should Always Bring Your Own Low Carb Foods to a Conference or Special Event

Always Bring Your Own Low Carb Foods

On June 30th and July 1st, I attended the 2012 WordCamp Reno organized by the Reno WordPress Meetup Group. This 2 day event was held on the  campus of University of Nevada, Reno. The organizers did a mostly incredible job putting the event together – perfect location, great speakers and great relevant topics, a chance to network with other WordPress newbies, veterans & developers and the ability to just be around other people with similar interests. Since the new CarbSmart.com uses WordPress for its web site, it was great to spend time with some of the best WordPress minds in Reno, NV. In fact, I had such a great time that I can’t wait for the next one in Reno next year, I’m going to other WordCamp conferences in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Portland later this year.

As with most other full day seminars I go to, the conference organizers provided daily coffee and lunch. Of course, this is what was served for lunch on day two:

A typical conference lunch not safe for a diabetic

Day One’s lunch had been no better for a diabetic, low carber or anyone watching their sugar or carbohydrate intake: ham or turkey on a bun, a big apple, potato chips, a cookie (I think), and a regular soda (there were a couple diet sodas available). I was able to pull the turkey off of the turkey sandwich and added mayonnaise and mustard to make it enjoyable and safe for my low carb lifestyle.

Should You Complain to the Organizers?

Was I shocked? Was I mad? Did I complain to the organizers? Of course not.

In all honesty, it was not their fault and it did not make me enjoy the conference any less. This is what happens when we are not in control of making our own meals. We are left to eat what others believe is a healthy meal.   Of course,  I don’t believe they were healthy for anyone, but we can’t control the world, only ourselves.

So instead of getting upset, I took matters in my own hands. I packed my own snacks and lunch:

Andrew's Low Carb, Diabetic-Friendly Conference Lunch
Andrew’s Low Carb, Diabetic-Friendly Conference Lunch

What Low Carb Foods Should You Bring With You?

I brought my own large coffee tumbler so I didn’t have to fill up between every session. I brought my own almond milk (yes, lactose intolerant) and truvia stevia sweetener. I brought a handful of Quest Protein bars which I had for snacks and with lunch. I also brought a container of my current favorite dip – Sabra Greek Olive hummus (the garlic version is awesome too) and a bag of cut red and green peppers for dipping.

This adjustment saved me. I had plenty of protein, fiber, and fat to keep me focused through the day, with plenty for both snacks and lunch. When someone asked me why I wasn’t having pizza, I told them I don’t eat wheat, sugar or dairy and I was used to bringing my own food with me. They said they were a little shocked I would go through all that trouble. Believe me, it was no trouble at all.

Remember, we are in control of our own destiny, blood sugar levels, and sugar and carbohydrate intake. We should allow ourselves to be forced to eat something that isn’t safe for us because we didn’t prepare for the worst. Have you ever been to a seminar or conference that served food that was safe for us?   Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt, our favorite Swedish physician, living and teaching the Low Carb / High Fat (LCHF) lifestyle all over the world, was shocked to see a generous amount of fruit served alongside some low carb friendly bacon and eggs at the ASBP Obesity conference in October 2011.

Don’t get mad at the conference organizers, just dig into your purse, briefcase or backpack and bring out your healthy, low carb foods whenever you need it. Bring out your favorite veggies. Bring out your favorite low carb beverage. Bring out any low carb foods you enjoy that won’t negatively affect your blood sugar.

What kind of low carb foods do you bring with you to trade shows, conferences or special events to keep you on your diabetic or low carb lifestyle? Reply below.

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