Natural Breast Care: Putting Your Health in Your Hands

Natural Breast Care: Putting Your Health In Your Hands by Sagdrina Jalal

CarbSmart Magazine September 2013 Issue
Article first published in the September 2013 issue of CarbSmart Magazine available in iTunes Newsstand.
When it comes to breast health, a lot of emphasis is put on cancer treatment. Words like “survivor” and “early detection” are common this time of year. What is discussed less frequently is prevention. We now know that certain behaviors and choices can lead to healthy breasts, reducing the chances of disease. The World Cancer Research Fund estimates that 38 % of breast cancer in the United States could be prevented with diet, physical exercise, and weight management.

Diet and Nutrition for Breast Care

It is widely known that eating antioxidant-rich foods (mostly fruits and vegetables) reduces cancer risks. Research on cancerous breast tissue shows high levels of chemicals such as aluminum and parabens. Eating fresh, organic vegetables and fruits instead of commercially raised and packaged produce can greatly reduce exposure to chemicals. It will also limit exposure to estrogen-like compounds (said to be a possible contributor to cancer in high amounts) often found in food additives and plastics. Limiting processed foods is also important for reducing breast cancer risks and improving breast health.

Two nutrients that have made names for themselves in breast health are vitamin D and omega -3 fatty acids. It is very important for women to get their vitamin D levels checked regularly through a simple blood test. Currently, normal range is considered 32-100 ng/ml. Women should inquire what their actual number is; falling in the range is great but having optimal levels is even better. A study by prominent vitamin D researchers indicates that women whose levels are above 52 ng/ml have half the risk of the general population of developing breast cancer. As for the omega-3s, researchers in China analyzed the results of 26 international studies involving nearly 900,000 women; 20,000 of whom had breast cancer. They concluded that the women who consumed the highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids from fish had a 14% reduction in breast cancer risk, compared to those who ate the least. Scientists found that for each 0.1 gram of fish oil women consumed daily, risk of breast cancer dropped by five percent. These findings support the World Health Organization’s recommendation to include at least two servings of oily fish per week in your diet. 

Exercise for Breast Care

breast cancer ribbonIt is hard to talk about disease prevention without including the role of exercise. Breast health is no exception. In addition to helping one maintain a healthy weight–obesity is a contributing factor to many cancers–exercise improves circulation and lymphatic flow, helping remove toxins from the body. Movements like running and jumping rope are beneficial, because they increase the flow of lymph through the lymphatic system, aiding immune function. Yoga, Pilates, and other resistance workouts improve hormone responses and lower blood sugar levels. Exercise also reduces stress and balances moods by boosting serotonin. Like to exercise outdoors? You get an extra bang for your buck with sun exposure: vitamin D and an even bigger dose of serotonin!

Changes in diet and exercise contribute to breast health. While we can’t isolate all the variables that contribute to cancer risk, other lifestyle choices can also improve woman’s chances of maintaining optimal breast health. The chart below depicts some key factors in decreasing and increasing the risk of breast cancer:

Decreases Risk

  • Having more than one child
  • Having one child before age 20
  • Breast feeding each child for at least six months
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Eating a diet rich in antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids
  • Having vitamin D levels over 52 ng/ml
  • Exercising regularly
  • Getting adequate sleep
Increases Risk

  • Not having children
  • Having first child over age 30
  • Not breast feeding
  • Being overweight/obese
  • Consuming excessive amounts of alcohol; smoking
  • Having low vitamin D levels
  • Being exposed to hormone-mimicking chemicals
  • Poor sleep habits

So, although breast cancer has sadly become all too familiar, arming yourself with this knowledge and taking preventive measures can help you maintain good health.

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One comment

  1. How does having more than one child decrease the risk? Never heard of this one before.

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