500 Ketogenic Recipes Cookbook by Dana Carpender

500 Ketogenic Recipes

500 Ketogenic Recipes: Hundreds of Easy and Delicious Recipes for Losing Weight, Improving Your Health, and Staying in the Ketogenic Zone by Dana Carpender

Fair Winds Press
Paperback 304 pages

At last, a comprehensive cookbook for the hottest eating plan around! 500 Ketogenic Recipes is the ultimate starter guide to getting healthy, building muscle, and managing blood sugar.

The ketogenic diet emphasizes high ratios of healthy fats, moderate protein, and low carbohydrate intake. While the ketogenic diet isn’t new, there is newly emerging research that the ketogenic lifestyle may help reverse illness, promote longevity, and be the best diet for losing weight. Millions of people are transitioning to a ketogenic diet to look and feel their best.

However, doing the ketogenic lifestyle the right way isn’t always easy. How do you keep your macronutrients properly balanced? Which foods are keto-friendly and which aren’t? 500 Ketogenic Recipes is here with the answers.

Low-carb queen and best-selling author Dana Carpender shows how to live the ketogenic lifestyle deliciously with 500 easy-to-prepare recipes for everything from snacks and appetizers, to main dishes, to drinks and dessert. 500 Ketogenic Recipes makes staying in the ketogenic zone simple with hundreds of recipes, pantry and shopping lists, and ketogenic dos and don’ts.

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