3-Way Chicken Breast Caesar Salad Recipe

Low-Carb Gluten-Free Chicken Caesar Salad Recipe

3-Way Chicken Breast Recipe for Chicken Caesar Salad

Recipe By : Diana Bauer

Serving Size : 24

Preparation Method

  • (3) 4 pound packages boneless skinless chicken breasts
  • 1 bottle Greek Vinaigrette salad dressing
  • 1 bottle Italian salad dressing
  • 1 bottle Dijon Vinaigrette salad dressing

Open each bag of chicken breasts but do not remove the meat. Pour enough salad dressing into each bag to coat the breasts well. (You may not use the entire bottle of salad may not use the entire bottle of salad dressing.) Seal the bags well and toss them in the refrigerator to thaw and/or marinate overnight.

Take the bags out of the refrigerator one at a time and broil the chicken breasts until just done (center is no longer pink). Cool. Leave whole or slice, dice, or chop (your preference) to use whole or in salads or casserole. Package in the portion size you want in Zip Lock freezer bags for later use.

Makes 24 or more servings (depending upon how you package them).

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Per Serving (excluding unknown items): 139 Calories; 15g Fat (95.6% calories from fat); trace Protein; 2g Carbohydrate; 0g Dietary Fiber; 0mg Cholesterol; 77mg Sodium. Exchanges: 0 Fruit; 3 Fat.

NOTES : Carb count will vary depending upon the brand name of salad dressing that you use, but the only carbs are from the salad dressing.

***Note: Discard any salad dressing that is left in the bags.

***Note: The carb count will vary depending upon the brand name of salad dressing used. If you want to get an accurate carb count per serving, you must first thaw the breasts and drain off any liquid, then measure the amount of salad dressing you pour over the breasts. Remeasure the salad dressing again after you have taken the marinated breasts out. The difference will be the amount of salad dressing actually absorbed by the breasts, and you can divide that amount by the number of breasts in the package, which varies.

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