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21 Life Lessons From Livin' La Vida Low-Carb by Jimmy Moore
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by Jimmy Moore

Foreword by Dana Carpender


472 pages

At first it was about the weight loss…but now it’s so much more!
On January 1, 2004 when Jimmy Moore embarked on a healthy low-carb lifestyle for the first time in his life weighing in at a morbidly obese 410 pounds, wearing size 62-inch waist pants, 5XL shirts, and taking prescription medications for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and breathing problems, the obvious immediate goal was weight loss. But after shedding 180 pounds that year, he quickly realized that low-carb was about so much more than just weight loss – it was a way of eating that he needed to do for the rest of his life not just to manage his weight, but to improve his health, too!

What if almost everything you’ve ever been told and thought you knew about diet and health was 100 percent dead wrong?
21 Life Lessons From Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb takes you through the daily education that has taken place in Jimmy’s life through his voracious researching, blogging, interviewing and being engaged in constantly learning more about the healthy benefits of an effective controlled-carbohydrate nutrition over the past few years. Through his wildly popular “Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb” blog ( and interview-based podcast show on iTunes (, Jimmy Moore has firmly established himself as THE layman’s authority on all things related to low-carb living today. Now he’s sharing 21 of the most invaluable lessons he has learned over the past five years with those who are struggling with what to do about their obesity, health, and this thing called life. Class is now in session!

Learn these lessons for yourself without doing it the hard way!
Jimmy Moore quickly became an overnight Internet sensation following his incredible triple-digit low-carb weight loss success in 2004. From his relentless work on the top-rated “Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb” blog which has garnered in excess of 4 million visitors since 2005 as one the top diet and health web sites online today to the literally hundreds of highly-respected guests who have appeared on his up-and-coming Top 20 Fitness and Nutrition iTunes podcast “The Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Show with Jimmy Moore” since 2006, Jimmy is a steady voice of reason in an ever-increasing sea of diet insanity. His self-published debut book about his low-carb weight loss success Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb: My Journey From Flabby Fat To Sensationally Skinny In One Year released in 2005. You can learn more about all the work he is doing on behalf of low-carb living by visiting Jimmy lives in Spartanburg, South Carolina with his beautiful and devoted wife Christine.

21 Life Lessons From Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb TABLE OF CONTENTS

Foreword by Dana Carpender


Lesson #1: Low-carb is much more than a diet, it’s a healthy lifestyle change
Quote by Dr. Jonny Bowden

Lesson #2: Most cholesterol tests by your doctor are virtually meaningless
Quote by Dr. William Davis

Lesson #3: Sugar and high fructose corn syrup are serious threats to health
Quote by David Gillespie

Lesson #4: Low-fat, low-calorie diets do not have a monopoly on “healthy”
Quote by Nicki Anderson

Lesson #5: The media and so-called “experts” are dead wrong about low-carb
Quote by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick

Lesson #6: “Moderation” and a “balanced” diet aren’t better than low-carb
Quote by Laura Dolson

Lesson #7: High-carb, low-fat diets are keeping us fat and sick
Quote by Gary Taubes

Lesson #8: Low-carb is not even close to being a fad diet
Quote by Dr. James E. Carlson

Lesson #9: The evidence building for low-carb diets is undeniable
Quote by Dr. Eric Westman

Lesson #10: Influence of low-carb on high-carb food companies significant
Quote by Andrew DiMino, Publisher, President, & Founder of CarbSmart

Lesson #11: The best way to prevent cancer and neurological disease is low-carb
Quote by Dr. Larry McCleary

Lesson #12: Whatever you do, don’t rile up the radical vegetarians and vegans
Quote by Mark Sisson

Lesson #13: Dr. Robert C. Atkins was a great man far ahead of his time
Quote by Jackie Eberstein

Lesson #14: If you put yourself out there on the Internet, people will hate you
Quote by Sean Croxton

Lesson #15: If you put yourself out there on the Internet, people will love you
Quote by Jennette Fulda

Lesson #16: The body has no dietary need for carbohydrates – NONE!
Quote by Dr. Richard Feinman

Lesson #17: Internet scam artists like Heidi Diaz from Kimkins lurk online
Quote by Christin Sherburne

Lesson #18: Sometimes when you least expect it, amazing things will happen
Quote by Tom Naughton

Lesson #19: You can’t always trust or believe the negative studies on low-carb
Quote by Valerie Berkowitz

Lesson #20: Childhood obesity could be eradicated with low-carb living
Quote by Fred Hahn

Lesson #21: The early death of a brother or loved one may not be prevented
Quote by Kent Altena

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