1001 Low-Carb Recipes by Dana Carpender

1001 Low Carb Recipes
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Hundreds of Delicious Recipes from Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back

by Dana Carpender


576 pages

The latest cookbook from Dana Carpender, contributor to CarbSmart Magazine.

1001 Low-Carb Recipes by Dana Carpender draws on the best 1001 recipes from Dana Carpender’s bestselling books including 500 Low-Carb Recipes, 15-Minute Low-Carb Recipes, 500 More Low-Carb Recipes, 300 Low-Carb Slow Cooker Recipes, The Low-Carb Barbeque Book, and Low-Carb Smoothies. You’ll find delicious and varied options including recipes for “high-carb” foods you thought you had to give up forever such as Cinnamon Raisin Bread and Mocha Chocolate Cheesecake. Staying the low-carb course will be easy with choices from barbecue to slow-cooker to internationally-inspired dishes.

Dana Carpender is a nationally syndicated columnist and is the founder of Hold the Toast Press, which publishes the biweekly online newsletter Lowcarbezine! She is the author of seven books on low-carb cooking including the bestseller 500 Low-Carb Recipes.

She is CarbSmart’s Managing Editor and is also one of CarbSmart’s favorite people in the whole wide world.

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